Showing 1 - 25 of 198 Results
Pelham; Or, the Adventures of a Gentleman [By E.G.E.L. Bulwer-Lytton]. by Lytton, Edward George E. L.... ISBN: 9781141945054 List Price: $30.75
The Duchess De La Vallire, a Play, by the Author of 'eugene Aram'. by Lytton, Edward George E. L.... ISBN: 9781150051098 List Price: $17.20
The Last Days of Pompeii, by the Author of 'pelham'. by Lytton, Edward George E. L.... ISBN: 9781150185038 List Price: $33.53
The New Timon, a Romance [in Verse, by E.g.e.l. Bulwer-Lytton.]. by Lytton, Edward George E. L.... ISBN: 9781151335302 List Price: $16.96
A Strange Story, by the Author of 'rienzi'. by Lytton, Edward George E. L.... ISBN: 9781142174002 List Price: $34.75
'my Novel' by Pisistratus Caxton; Or, Varieties in English Life by Lytton, Edward George E. L.... ISBN: 9781150325182 List Price: $52.34
Zanoni, by the Author of 'night and Morning'. by Lytton, Edward George E. L.... ISBN: 9781150235306 List Price: $29.79
Miscellaneous Prose Works (v. 25) by Lytton, Edward George E. L.... ISBN: 9781150081309 List Price: $36.65
The Coming Race [By E.G.E.L. Bulwer-Lytton]. by Lytton, Edward George E. L.... ISBN: 9781142127831 List Price: $29.75
Rienzi, the Last of the Tribunes, by the Author of 'eugene Aram'. by Sir E. Bulwer Lytton by Lytton, Edward George E. L.... ISBN: 9781142220242 List Price: $30.75
A Strange Story; And the Haunted and the Haunters, by the Author of 'rienzi'. by Lytton, Edward George E. L.... ISBN: 9781150104732 List Price: $40.92
Kenelm Chillingly, His Adventures and Opinions, by the Author of 'the Caxtons'. by Lytton, Edward George E. L.... ISBN: 9781150112041 List Price: $19.72
Speeches of Edward Lord Lytton Now First Collected, With Some of His Political Waitings Hith... by Lytton, Edward George E. L.... ISBN: 9781150230912 List Price: $30.28
The Dramatic Works of Sir Edward Lytton Bulwer, Bart. to Which Are Added, Three Odes by Lytton, Edward George E. L.... ISBN: 9781150758041 List Price: $39.63
Night and Morning, by the Author of 'rienzi'. (1) by Lytton, Edward George E. L.... ISBN: 9781150778780 List Price: $41.41
Not So Bad as We Seem by Lytton, Edward George E. L.... ISBN: 9781151424129 List Price: $16.79
Walpole, Or, Every Man Has His Price, a Comedy in Rhyme by Lytton, Edward George E. L.... ISBN: 9780217980630 List Price: $20.00
The Siamese Twins [In Verse]. to Which Is Added, Milton, a Poem, by the Author of 'pelham'. by Lytton, Edward George E. L.... ISBN: 9781142097561 List Price: $33.75
The Last Days of Pompeii, by the Author of 'pelham'. by Lytton, Edward George E. L.... ISBN: 9781142069940 List Price: $36.75
Poems by Lytton, Edward Bulwer Lytto... ISBN: 9781142388935 List Price: $34.75
The Caxtons by Lytton, Edward George E. L.... ISBN: 9781142737603 List Price: $32.75
Speeches of Edward Lord Lytton Now First Collected, with Some of His Political Waitings Hith... by Lytton, Edward George E. L.... ISBN: 9781142820640 List Price: $34.75
The Siamese Twins [in Verse]. to Which Is Added, Milton, a Poem, by the Author of 'pelham'. by Lytton, Edward George E. L.... ISBN: 9781150232404 List Price: $25.97
Night and Morning, by the Author of 'rienzi'. by Lytton, Edward George E. L.... ISBN: 9781143132599 List Price: $33.75
What Have the Whigs Done? Or, an Answer to Mr. Edward Lytton Bulwer'S Letter On the "Present... by Lytton, Edward George E. L.... ISBN: 9781141493272 List Price: $17.75
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